Saturday, June 15, 2013

Vegan Peanut Butter Cups

Peanut butter and chocolate are a classic combo.  Below is a very simple vegan version that I hope you enjoy!

1 bag vegan chocolate chips
6 tablespoons peanut butter
6 tablespoons of brown sugar
foil cupcake wrappers

Step 1:  Melt the chocolate in a microwave safe bowl.  Usually one bag of chips will melt nicely in about 2 minutes, pausing every 30 seconds to stir.

Step 2:  Fill the foil wrappers.  If you are quick enough, you can usually get the melted chocolate 2/3 the way up the wrapper just by tilting but don't hesitate to use a spoon to help it get up the sides.  About one and a half tablespoons of chocolate should do for each wrapper.  Put on a flat tray or plate and place in freezer for 10-20 minutes.

Step 3:  Melt peanut butter for about 1 minute and 30 seconds.  Then work in the brown sugar.  It should come out the consistency of pastry dough but you will be pressing it into the chocolate cups you just formed. Again don't hesitate to use a spoon if you need to so the peanut butter mixture gets pressed down evenly.  Don't fill it all the way up to the top but leave the chocolate higher on the sides for the next step.

Step 4.  Reheat the remaining chocolate if necessary.  Then spoon over the peanut butter mixture to cover completely, making it even with the sides.   I haven't finished smoothing the chocolate over these (below) so they look a little lumpy in the picture.

Step 5:  Put in freezer for 30 minutes or more, depending on how hungry you are! 

Store these in the freezer, keep in mind they will be frozen through so you can let them sit out for a minute or two before eating.

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