Sunday, May 26, 2013

Silver Polish

I have long been staring at these gorgeous candlestick holders that used to belong to my grandmother.  They had gotten tarnished over the years and I kept thinking about how one day, I would sit down and finally give them a good cleaning.  That hadn't happened, until this morning.  I had read up on using toothpaste as a non-toxic alternative to polish silver and thought I would give it a try.

1 tube of Colgate Toothpaste
Several clean microfiber clothes

When I first started polishing the candlesticks, I was applying the paste with one clean cloth and then polishing with another.  This ended up being slightly more time consuming than applying the toothpaste with my fingers and then simply polishing it away.  The time different wasn't drastic but I still think it's worth not dirtying up another clean cloth.

Below are the pictures of the candlesticks.  The lighting wasn't great in our dining room so I'm not sure if you can really see how well the tarnish came off.  I did include a picture showing the difference between the polished and unpolished halves of a silver platter.

                                                                       Before Polish                                          

                                                                          After Polish

                                                                Unpolished Vs Polished

Once I finished polishing, I cleaned off any residue with a slightly damp microfiber cloth and then thoroughly dried it with another.  I'm quite pleased with the results and I would encourage everyone to try this tip if their looking for non-toxic silver polish!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

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