Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Homemade Peanut Butter (Subtitle: Forget Freshmarket)....

Hi Folks,

In my efforts to somehow decrease waste and still be able to consume peanut butter, I just started looking up recipes to make it at home.  Below is my first try and it was a success, now I don't think I'll ever go back to store-bought because you can really make each batch of any nut butter suited to your taste.

3 cups salted peanuts (bought from the local natural food store in bulk)
2-3 tbs peanut oil (recyclable glass container)
2-3 tbs agave syrup (recyclable plastic container and cap)

First put the peanuts in the food processor and blend.  Keep blending, then blend some more.  You will start to worry that this is not going to work but just keep the processor until the oils in the peanuts have a chance to get out.

Here you can see that it's starting to form into a paste.

Eventually it will all gather and swirl around processor in a clump.  Don't fret, just keep processing it.  You can take frequent breaks as needed if the motor or the container are overheating.

Eventually it will look like this...

 When you add the agave syrup, it will start to crumb up again, this is where the peanut oil comes in.  Just drizzle it in 1/2 tbs at a time until it starts to get smooth again.  Don't mind the divot in the picture below, my husband decided to taste test it before I put it into jars.

Using a small spatula, spoon into glass jars and place in the fridge for best storage.

This would make great gift for someone who love peanut butter and I'll post some updates when I move on to try some other nut butters!  Hope you enjoy this post and try to make some peanut butter at home!

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