Thursday, May 8, 2014

Zero Waste Attempt Failed at Fresh Market- Coffee and Almond Butter

So in trying to keep with a zero waste approach, I held off buying coffee (packaging isn't recyclable as far as I know) and almond butter (plastic container) until I could go to a Fresh Market Grocery store by my work.  I was thoroughly disappointed when all the coffee only came in cans or wasteful packaging and the containers they offered for loose beans were not any better.   I ended up buying a large can of their coffee and figured I could use the can as a flower/herb pot later in the spring.  

Then it was off to get some fresh almond butter, which they make and serve using machines right there on the spot.  When searching around for a container, I only saw the flimsy plastic tubs and tops which are hard to reuse meaningfully once they have been cleaned.  No win there, so I figured I would just get a plastic jar of the regular almond butter I buy and ask to use the container to be refilled with the store's own almond butter next time I came in.  

While I was checking out, I asked if it would be possible to bring the jar back to refill it.  The cashier was very nice at first, she stated she thought it was a good question and went to go ask a manager.  The manager made a disgusted face before and while looking in my direction, so much for customer service.  You would have thought I had asked to do cartwheels barefoot through their deli or something.  The cashier returned right afterwards and stated simply "No, you can't".  I asked if any other containers would be allowed and she only stated that the plastic tubs/tops were right there by the machines.  When I commented that I was interested in cutting down on plastic waste so I was just curious she brushed off my comments/questions, simply said "yeah sorry" and handed me my purchases.  I was a bit confused as to how they would have reusable bags all over the store and purport a "fresh" approach but poo-pooed my request to reuse a plastic container.  I quietly thanked her and casually mentioned I would have to pick up my groceries from another vendor from now on, then wished her a nice day. I did go right after business hours so the store was slightly busy but was so disappointed by the experience, I didn't bother to ask to speak to a manager, I just thought it better to not spend my money there any more.

I have read many blogs where people trying to work towards zero waste are being turned down when turning up with reusable containers for all sorts of items.  I was particularly surprised today but then realized that Fresh Market emphasizes convenience at every turn over being truly environmentally friendly. After this experience I think I'll stick to local co-ops and natural food stores. 

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