Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Homemade Cleaning Scrub

Here is a recipe for a nice alternative to those gross chemical-filled scrubs that you can use in your kitchen or bathroom.  This is the only scrub so far that has managed to nicely clean my enamel and steel post without scratching or leaving residue.   It's also a nice way to use up egg shells and save them from being thrown in the trash!

2-3 dozen dried egg shells
1/2 cup baking soda
Essential Oil (I use sweet orange)

The first step is the most tedious and time consuming but I think it's worth it than resort to some nasty green scrub that technically is toxic and irritating to your skin (I think you know which one I'm talking about).  You need to save up and wash out about 2-3 dozen egg shells.  Once you have enough and they are dried out you will need to boil them for about 10 minutes.  I usually have to do 2-3 batches even in a big pot.  Make sure the shells are submerged and use a strainer in the skin or a slotted spoon to remove because they will be scalding hot.

Next you can rinse the shells with cold water and other recipes don't necessarily suggest this but I peel the inner film off the inside of the shells.  This may be annoying for a lot of your but once you get the hang of it you can do it quickly.  

Next you have to lay the shells out to try again (maybe a day or so).  Using a coffee grinder break up the shells into smaller pieces and grind up until you have a fine powder.  I usually do this near the stove so the vent can suck up the dust that comes up when you open the lid of the coffee grinder.   Once you have ground up all the egg shells, transfer them to a glass jar and put in an equal or slightly greater amount of baking soda.  

Shake up the mixture (with the lid on of course).  Then shake in 10-15 drops of essential oil and shake it up again (lid on again, obviously).  

A little bit of this scrub goes a long way.  So far I have only had to make it about once every 4-6 weeks and there is always quite a bit some left over.  Since the shells don't dissolve you don't need much to get the job done.  The ingredients aren't toxic so it's also nice to know that you cleaning products won't be unsafe to wash down the drain.

Hope you try this out!

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