Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Vegan Cookies & Cream Ice Cream Recipe!

Hi Folks!

Here is a great vegan ice cream recipe that I tried out this weekend!  Sorry, no picture with this post but trust me the ice cream is awesome, even my non-vegan husband liked it. With few ingredients and a small amount of time you can have a great, homemade treat to serve.

1 pint of Vanilla Flavored Silk Creamer
1 container Better Than Sour Cream
10-12 oz of crushed Oreo-style cookies

  1. First mix creamer and sour cream over low-med heat in a saucepan.  Whisking frequently until mixture is smooth.
  2. Transfer mixture to a bowl for cooling (30-45 minutes)
  3. Set up ice cream machine according to manufacturers instructions.  For our we pour the mixture into the running machine for about 20 minutes.
  4. Add crushed up cookies and for our ice cream maker, it churns for another 5 minutes.
  5. Quickly remove ice cream to a freezer-friendly container and put in freezer for about 2 hours for ice cream to set.
  6. Remove and serve!

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